Thursday, 17 May 2012

Europe in Brazil

Of course Europe is not in Brazil, but we did have a little bit of Europe in Brazil last week. 
We had the pleasure to host the Director of OM Europe in our home last week. He was in Brazil for ten days in order to promote OM, particularly the European part, in various churches. Frank Hinkelmann is German, but lives in Austria. It was very interesting to hear about OM's work in Europe, and about the current religious map of this part of the world. Most Brazilians know little about Europe, and Frank's aim was both to educate and to encourage potential Brazilian missionaries to consider Europe as a mission field. 

On Wednesday evening, Frank preached at Primero Igreja Batista (PIB) in São José dos Campos. He spoke in English and was accompanied by Claudia who translated into Portuguese. Claudia is a Brazilian, but is currently the OM Field Leader in Bosnia.

During the week, Frank and Claudia were at the OM base talking to the staff and students, and also leading morning devotionals. This was during a designated "English Week", so the students had a chance to practise their English.

It's great to have international visitors, as being in such a large country, it often feels that other countries are so far away. It is a great help to be able to emphasise the international nature of OM, and the fact that there is a need for Christ all over the world.

1 comment:

  1. Hi my friends!
    It's good to read the news about you!
    Abraços, Valter & Família
