Operation Mobilisation is a purely voluntary organisation, so we rely on gifts and donations for our finances.
Thank you so much for all of you who have sent gifts and for those of you who give regularly; this does make such a difference, and we really appreciate you and thank you!
If you would like to help us out, please see below for how you can give to us. Remember that you can Gift-Aid your donations so that the government will refund the tax.
Regular Donations
It would be great if you can join our team of regular givers. The best way to do this is via the OMUK site here.
One-Off Donations
We have some extra costs that come up from time to time - these are always challenging and we usually need to trust in faith that God will provide as he has done in the past.
One-Off Donations
We have some extra costs that come up from time to time - these are always challenging and we usually need to trust in faith that God will provide as he has done in the past.
Flights to UK
Joshua will be going back to the UK in May 2017 to take his remaining 7 IGCSEs. Mike will be going with him, and then Nelia following on a little later (as she needs to finish her teaching term). So we will need to purchase 3 flights - which will probably be around £1700 in total.
Financial Challenges - Mortgage - now until 2020
When we moved to Brazil we switched our mortgage to interest-only. We have until 2020 to pay the full amount, and so really need to be paying off the capital. God has been gracious, and through the kindness of others, we have been able to gradually increase our capital-repayments to about £300 per month, but this needs to be over £1000 in order to meet the target. If you would be able to commit to even a small regular amount, this would greatly help us.
How to Give one-off donations.
The best way is via the OMUK website, making your donation to 'Mike and Nelia Leal - Brazil'. (Don't forget to gift-aid it!). You can use credit or debit card, or PayPal.
Alternatively, you can pay directly into our bank account in the UK or in Brazil
Alternatively, you can pay directly into our bank account in the UK or in Brazil
Mr. M.A.R.Leal & Mrs. N.C.F. Leal
Sort Code 40-35-32
Account 61083864
Nelia Cristiane F Leal
CPF 121-908-788-29
Agencia 0225-9
Agencia 0225-9
Conta 0716387-8