The recent edition of "Portas Abertas" (Open Doors) magazine that we receive at home in Brazil includes a special article on the countries in the world where Christians are most persecuted. Difficulties that some of OM's missionaries have been facing recently, together with recent news items like the attacks on Christians in Nigeria, plus a book I am currently reading all seem to be bringing this topic to my attention. I believe that this is something God wants me at least to pray about, and I thought I would ask you all to do the same. If you look at either the UK or Brasil websites (links below) you will find plenty of information.
The article that I mentioned in the magazine (and also covered on the websites) talks about the top 50 countries in the world for persecution against Christians. They also include a world map showing the locations of the countries, which really helps you visualise the statistics. The country in first place is North Korea.I'm not going to give you any details or stories - the websites do that very well - but I urge you to take a look, and maybe pick a country and pray this week for the Christians there; or read one of the news articles and pray more specifically. I certainly feel fortunate to be living in a country where being a follower of Jesus Christ is not only tolerated but almost always respected.
Open Doors UK
Portas Abertas